VB Script Conversion Functions. - TestingQ.com

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VB Script Conversion Functions.

CInt() - Convert to Integer Value
Converts an expression into an integer value in the range -32,768 to 32,767.

CStr() - Convert to String Value
Converts an expression into a string value.

CDate() - Convert to Date Value
Converts a formatted date string to a date variable type.

CBool() - Convert to Boolean Type
Converts an expression to a Boolean variable type that is either True or False.

CByte() - Convert to Byte Value
Converts an expression to a Byte type  (i.e.  An integer value in the range 0 to 255).

CCur() - Convert to Currency Type
Converts an expression to a Currency type (i.e. a floating-point number with up to four decimal places).

CDbl() - Convert to a Double Value
Converts an expression to a double-precision floating point number.

CLng() - Convert to Long Integer Value
Converts an expression to a long integer value.

CSng() - Convert to a Single Value
Converts an expression into a single-precision floating-point number.