What is Smart Identification in QTP and How It Works? - TestingQ.com

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What is Smart Identification in QTP and How It Works?

Smart Identification
When QuickTest uses the recorded description to identify an object, it searches for an object that matches every one of the property values in the description. In most cases, this description is the simplest way to identify the object and unless the main properties of the object change, this method will work.

If QuickTest is unable to find any object that matches the recorded object description, or if it finds more than one object that fits the description, then QuickTest ignores the recorded description, and uses the Smart Identification mechanism to try to identify the object.

The Smart Identification mechanism uses two types of properties:
Base filter properties—The most fundamental properties of a particular test object class; those whose values cannot be changed without changing the essence of the original object
Optional filter properties—Other properties that can help identify objects of a particular class as they are unlikely to change on a regular
Understanding the Smart Identification Process
1. QuickTest “forgets” the recorded test object description and creates a new object candidate list containing the objects (within the object’s parent object) that match all of the properties defined in the base filter property list.

2. From that list of objects, QuickTest filters out any object that does not match the first property listed in the Optional Filter Properties list. The remaining objects become the new object candidate list.

3. QuickTest evaluates the new object candidate list:

  • If the new object candidate list still has more than one object, QuickTest uses the new (smaller) object candidate list to repeat step 2 for the next optional filter property in the list.
  • If the new object candidate list is empty, QuickTest ignores this optional filter property, returns to the previous object candidate list, and repeats step 2 for the next optional filter property in the list.
  • If the object candidate list contains exactly one object, then QuickTest concludes that it has identified the object and performs the statement containing the object.
4. QuickTest continues the process described in steps 2 and 3 until it either identifies one object, or runs out of optional filter properties to use.

  • If, after completing the Smart Identification elimination process, QuickTest still cannot identify the object, then QuickTest uses the recorded description plus the ordinal identifier to identify the object.
  • If the combined recorded description and ordinal identifier are not sufficient to identify the object, then QuickTest stops the test run and displays a Run Error message.
  • If QuickTest successfully uses Smart Identification to find an object after no object matches the recorded description, the test results receive a warning status and include the following information:

Normal Identification fails to finds the object so that the warning message is showing.

If Quicktest uses Smart identification to find an object, a cap symbol will be appear in results where ever it is using.
And some description will show in results saying that how Quicktest identifies the object using smart identification.

In this example, Base filter properties prepares an objects list. (17 objects)
And optional filter properties filtered those object list using available properties.
If one property fails it’s using another property to find an object. If any property is finding one object QTP is ignoring other properties.

Where as in Normal Identification process all properties in object description should satisfied. If one property fails all object identification process will fail.

Configuring Smart Identification
In object identification window select a class in test object class list--> select option “Enable Smart Identification”--> Click on Configure

Then “Smart Identification Properties – class name” will be appearing…

Click Add/Remove to add or remove properties in Base and optional filter properties.

Note: - By default smart identification is configured and activated for web environment.

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